
Business Case

A digital transformation performance-focused

A project for an Italian Company active in the sale and marketing of gas and electricity for households and businesses, the production of renewable energy and the management of charging points for electric vehicles.



Our client needed to improve customer experience and customer services in order to enhance business performance and sales.

What we delivered

Our first challenge was to initiate a digital transformation and realise a change management program. In achieving this, we collaborated closely with our client, employing Design Thinking principles and the DesignOps model. This resulted in the development of a well-organised structure, which standardised and orchestrated our client's teams, processes, and practices.

We introduced a design-led strategic approach based on the Agile Scrum method to integrate design and development teams. This brought forth a new way of collaboration, emphasising data-driven and user focus, iterative processes for constant enhancement, and the streamlining of internal operations.

Moreover, we provided advanced analytics to elevate customer experience and improve business performance in every process, from those on the website to the loyalty programs, as well as the offline stores. We supported our client in prioritising business goals, launching campaigns, building a consistent sales strategy across digital, physical and hybrid channels and reimagining the existing customer journey.

As a first result of our digital transformation program, after one year conversions grew 86% with a 30% daily increase.

But our end-to-end relevant impact isn’t finished here. In fact, our client recognizes us as one of the best-performing sales suppliers. For several years we have been managing the customer operations both inbound and sales, front line and back office, by email and WhatsApp. Our operators collect leads, manage marketing campaigns, sell extra commodities, prevent churn and give complete assistance through the toll-free number, not just being agents but providing advisory.

A winning experience

  • Daily growth conversions

  • Yearly managed phone calls

  • Yearly managed chats

  • Yearly managed back office operations


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  • Pharma and Medical devices

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  • Automotive, Mobility and Transport

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  • Energy

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  • Energy

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  • Financial services and Insurance

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  • Financial services and Insurance

    Customer operations AI sales and fraud detection

  • Pharma and Medical devices

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  • Automotive, Mobility and Transport

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  • Telco

    End-to-end services: digital solutions, user research, customer operations