About us
A humans centred company.
Humans at the centre
Our company culture is strongly human-centred, it’s in our DNA. We create an open environment where we encourage co-design based on respect and positivity. We are a “no frills” company, and we work together towards common goals to solve issues with effective results by sharing skills and experiences.

Growth mindset and raising know-how
We look for entrepreneurial spirits which help us stay agile and adaptable. One of our priorities is to identify and cultivate talent with a growth mindset. We invest in training and development opportunities such as the mentorship programme to empower our employees and enhance their careers. We believe that keeping a flourishing environment guarantees us to maintain a high standard of excellence.

Diversity makes us stronger
We value diversity and welcome individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and generations. We strive to create an inclusive atmosphere where everyone can thrive, bringing their own unique ability and expertise to the table. Diversity and inclusion are stressed and practised, so as to allow everyone to express their potential.

Ensuring a fair workplace
We are committed to planning initiatives that ensure a fair workplace, making every effort to promote well-being, welfare policies and a healthy balance between work and private life. We guarantee favourable, equitable work conditions above the line with local standards of health and safety, where local governments provide inadequate policies of this kind. We’ve been awarded Great Place to Work and Best Employer in many countries.

Sustainable development
We support the development of the communities and the surrounding territories in which we operate. We recognize our responsibility in contributing to a green future and to create long-term shared prosperity for all stakeholders to navigate to a more sustainable world.

Numbers & Statistics
Together we create intimacy at scale.
With 600+ talented professionals, we offer expert solutions that drive client success.
Annual growth
Together, with our customers and professionals, we are growing.
Countries - EMEA coverage
In 12 European countries, we deliver customised solutions for outstanding results.
Offices and contact centres - EMEA region
26 Offices to support end-to-end customer experience and CRM transformation.
Languages spoken
15+ languages personalised support, effective communication for diverse audiences.
Our positive impact
Sustainability report [ENG]
Sustainable development is not just about an opportunity, but a real mission which is realised through the results achieved by our Sustainability Report, in order to create a long-term shared value for all stakeholders, the environment and the local communities.

Philosophy in technical and professional education. Curiosity, critical spirit, and dialogue are at the core of an innovative company. That's why we sustain Inventio, the didactic innovation project that brings philosophical practice to Technical and Professional Institutes, helping students to acquire free and open thinking, and grows adults more capable of managing the world's changes.

Little Tennis Champions
An inclusive plan designed for the best young talents in tennis and dedicated to host those talented kids selected only on the principle of solidarity and meritocracy. During a one-year journey kids are guided by the best trainers and champions of the tennis world. We are proud to support the development of the next generations and to award hard work and determination, with fun.

- UNI EN ISO 14064 - Reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals (Italy, Albania)
- UNI EN ISO 14001 - Environmental management systems (Italy, Albania)
- UNI EN ISO 14067 - Greenhouse gases, the carbon footprint of product (Italy, Albania)
- UNI EN ISO 9001 - Quality management system (Italy, Netherlands)
- ISO 27001 Contact Center Service and Software Development
- UNI EN ISO 50001 - Energy management systems (Albania)
- UNI EN ISO 18295 - Customer contact centres (Italy)
- SA 8000 - Social accountability management system
- Modello di Organizzazione Gestione e Controllo -DLgs 231/2001 (Italy)
- Ethical Code (Italy)
- UNI/PdR 125:2022 - Gender Equality (Italy)