Automotive, Mobility and Transport

Business Case

Thales GTS: Operating Control Centre redesign

Thales GTS specialised in the transportation system for private and public sectors. They provide services to control and maintain the transportation network: from traffic management to station security oversight.

Automotive, Mobility, and Transportation


By working together on a new demonstrator, Thales wanted to generate interest from prospects during the InnoTrans 2023 exhibition and showcase their vision of the future OCC system.

What we delivered

We used a co-creation approach to build a robust user experience based on engineering input. To prototype the demonstrator, we based our work on existing systems and data sets. We translated engineering requirements and technical input into a structured information design. We were then able to create real life scenario and simulate operators actions via a series of predefined scenarios from traffic regulation, crisis management or energy consumption optimisation. We needed to structure information and data to clearly outline criticalities for every information shared by the system to the operators such as alarms.

By using widgets we were able to structure screens to differentiate information from actions. We then used color coding to manage criticalities to support operators priorities and actions.

As a result, this demonstrator helped Thales to engage with clients and prospects at InnoTrans and during sales meetings. They were able to get feedback and buy-in from stakeholders thanks to tangible scenarios and intuitive interface. Thales project managers were then able to define internal roadmap for their OCC development and improve their client relationship.

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